We live surrounded by maps of every sort you can imagine, digital and on paper. What Three Words reduces the world to three random words, Garmin and Strava can make you feel good about how far and fast you can run. Map My Run – well, maps your run. The Ordnance Survey is still going strong…
Tag: Maps
The Verticality of Edinburgh
Edinburgh is perhaps the most vertical of any major UK city. It has ups. It has downs. And sometimes the transitions between the two can be surprising and difficult to parse. As we navigate from place to place we might find ourselves tackling elegant staircases, perilously steep streets, or unexpected bridges…
An Interview with The Royal Society for the Preservation of Boring Grid Squares
Maps aren’t boring. Or, at least, they’re not boring enough for some people. The Royal Society for the Presevation of Boring Grid Squares is the largest organisation of individuals who dream of more boring maps, more blank grid squares, and a more featureless, relaxing world…
A Londoner Rides the Clockwork Orange
It’s a relatively little-known fact that London isn’t the only city in the UK to have its own underground railway system. Glasgow does too. We took a Londoner for a ride around the network and noted their perceptions…
Half an inch from the south shore, a line is cast from nowhere, black dots, black dashes, almost north, almost parallel to the line of the Humber Bridge, red on green, half an inch to the left. The bridge is cut off by the ordnance grid. The dots and dashes float in a pale blue square…
Travelling in the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy
Journalist Mackenzie Weinger travels in the footsteps of Thomas Hardy, through the partly real, partly dream-country that inspired his fiction…